June 13th Redecilla del Camino

June 13 Redecilla del Camino

We are in the bar under the Hotel Rural Redecilla del Camino charging D’s battery and eating bocadillos, tortillas and tapas. She had a egg and potato tortilla and has decided that she now likes olives. The little tapa that she ate was green olives and sardines on a stick. We started this morning a little earlier than usual about 8:00 it takes us about 2 hours to get everything together and get on the way. I usually get up about 5:30 or 6:00 and get D’s meds ready for the day, get everything packed up except her stuff and then wake her up about 7:00. Pack up her breathing machines, cords and chargers, clean up the area get downstairs or out the door. That is usually when several people who are leaving other alburgues or hotels see us and come over to find out what in the world we are doing. That takes about 20 to 30 more minutes so leaving at 8:00 this morning.

Today we saw the English couple with the ukulele from Villamayor de Monjardin as they were leaving also. We also met Ursulla from Germany again, we had first met her last night, She is very nice and helpful, and just reminds me of the German tough women on TV. The I’ll push you guys had already gone before we were out but the Frenchman we have seen several times just told us they are 1 to 2 minutes ahead of us. We left Santo Domingo de Calzada over some cobblestone streets, D’s favorite, and headed out of town. We crossed the bridge and headed on the Camino. It was a little rough but better than some we have traveled. We had gone about a km and I could tell Deb wasn’t liking it this early in the morning, so we backtracked about 300 meters to the road and went that way. We saw Ursulla again and as we walked out of town the Irish group was walking with us for the 1st km. They eventually left us for the path. They are all very friendly and talk to us whenever they see us saying we are doing great.

The last time we talked with them, they told us they were all affiliated with a sports league in Ireland, One guy told me they were flash pilgrims, they flash a credit card and stay in the hotels. It looks nicer but much more expensive.

Anyway we walked out onto what we thought was the n-120 but turned out to be a different road, that cost us another ½ km. We walked on past Granon and into Redecilla del Camino, about 11 or 12 Km. Her we caught up with the Irish and just missed I’ll push you and saw the girl from Jersey we met last night. She is young but seems to be very wise. She is walking the Camino and not trying to push the thoughts she said, just let them come and think about what they are. I like her attitude and personality. She just helped me translate the several text messages I received in Spanish on our burn phone.

Two men from Holland just came in and interviewed us on camera for a youtube thing they are doing for Caa foundation in Holland, I think it is a disease much like alzhiemers. The one man who is the president of the foundation has the disease and knows it could hit him with a stroke at any time, yet he walks the Camino and talks to pilgrims. He says brava to us but we say brava to him, live life like it is short. The people you meet. Every one for a reason.

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