May 20th 2014


May 20, 2014   Karl

On the road!!!!  In the back seat while Hayden drives, this might just be the way I like to travel.  I can type, read or just lay back and let Bitteman drive.  We are on highway 60 going through Missouri and the scenery is beautiful.  It’s almost 6:00 p.m. or 18:00 since trains all run on military time in Europe.  We should have already been in Nashville by now but after last night, we got a really late start.


Got to spend a little more time with my Dad before we left.  Thankfully he came to us, I needed to set up his new phone before we left and if I would have had to go there it would have taken us even longer to pack.  So thank you so much Dad, I’ll miss you.  It really has been nice having him live closer to us here in Oklahoma.


We thought we had a handle on the packing thing but apparently we are not too good at it.  It took us two hours and we even had most of our stuff ready to go.  So far the only things we have realized we forgot was Deb’s shirt cover and her brush, both can be replaced in Charlotte.


The rental is awesome, granted it cost quite a bit but knowing if anything goes wrong I can just call Enterprise is nice peace of mind.  The boys both say it is way more comfortable in the back and Deb says it is so much quieter.  We may have to look into getting a newer one when the boys get out of college.

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