June 2, 2019 Pamplona Spain


Made it into Pamplona, probably would not have carrying a full pack.  Sent the big one forward one more time, only carrying a small sling pack.  Leg was still swollen and hard to bend.  Leslie, the yogi from South Africa, gave me tiger balm, it works wonders though.

We are in a private albergue tonight as we will be having a rest day tomorrow.  Quinn, Hayden and I, Phillip from MN, Bailey from AZ, Katja from Slovenia and Leslie.

It was a holiday here, so everything was closed.  Supper was pizza from Dominoes, just downstairs, even on the Camino, we are home.  Tomorrow will be a shopping day; this is the biggest town so far.  We only brought the minimum on the plane, so I am out of shampoo, soap, sunscreen and snacks. Ran out of everything today as we didn’t realize this was a holiday, we can usually keep track of the date but have no clue what day it is.  We did get to see a parade as we came into Valleva.

Quinn, Bailey and Phillip were ahead of us today, we never caught them until the park just outside of Pamplona.  They were younger and faster, Hayden takes his time, Leslie and I are not older just more grown up, so we are slower, and Katja enjoys the pictures and scenery.  It took a little to get her talking but I love her accent.  I walked with Leslie several hours today and it was very productive, the people you meet are the people you are supposed to meet.  We had a long walk and a long talk, reminded me of some walks and talks back home.  I think the constant movement and steps jar loose the thoughts that need to be addressed.  I wasn’t sure I was ready for some of those thoughts but there they were.  We talked of Deb and some of Leslie’s past, she led an amazing life.  Lived on a sailboat for several years, which is in my plans.  She also traveled extensively all over the world, living as an expat for quite a while.

Finished cards with several of the pilgrims, they’ve all gone to bed.  Katja leaves in the morning and even though we can sleep in tomorrow, we will probably get up for breakfast with her to see her off.  She has to be in Finesterre on the 5th of July for a plane home to Slovenia.  We will explore Pamplona tomorrow and see some of the sights Deb and I saw.  There were several pictures we were able to revisit from her and I’s last visit.

Missing everyone back home, hopefully see you then.

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